
Your Schedule

Your schedule of adjustments is vitally important for your recovery. Frequency of care is generally more intensive at the onset of your chiropractic program. The doctor is attempting to alter your body’s bad habits. Each adjustment builds on the next. While your first correction may only last a few hours, with time your body will “hold” its adjustment for longer and longer periods of time. With good re-exam results your adjustment frequency will become less and less. Your progress is monitored at regular intervals. These re-examinations take place at special times of the day so it will be necessary to schedule time for you well in advance. Your progress examinations may or may not include x-rays, electromyography and/or thermography studies.

Missed Appointments

Our policy on missing appointments is simple. YOU DON’T. Sounds a bit harsh but we are serious about your recovery. Please inform us of any possible absences prior to your scheduled time by phone. A missed appointment takes you off your adjustment schedule and must be rescheduled as soon as possible.